Where Can I Find The Amazon Seller ID: Merchant Token Number


If you're selling on Amazon, you might need your Amazon Seller ID, also known as the Merchant Token Number. This unique ID helps you manage your seller account and is essential for various tasks. Finding this number can be tricky if you're new to the platform. In this article, we'll guide you on where to find your Amazon Seller ID. We will provide clear steps and tips to make the process easy. 


Whether setting up a new account, linking to third-party tools, or needing the ID for another reason, this guide will help you locate it quickly and without hassle. Knowing where to find this number can save you time and make your selling experience smoother.

What is a Merchant Token Number in Amazon?

Merchant Token Number in Amazon is a unique identification code given to each seller on the platform. It helps Amazon recognize and manage your seller account. This number is important because it is used in various tasks, like linking your account to third-party tools or handling customer orders. 


Think of it as your seller ID card on Amazon. It ensures that all activities and transactions are correctly associated with your specific account, making it easier to track your business operations.

Where Can I Find My Amazon Merchant Token: 3 Easy Steps

Here’s a step-by-step guide to finding your Amazon Merchant Token:

1. Enter an Amazon Seller Storefront

Take Anker’s storefront as an example, click the “Sold by AnkerDirect” on the Listing page. As the screenshot shows:

2. Click “Products” 

Click “Products” on the Tab navigation. After the page opens, the URL is the link of this storefront. You can copy it directly. Such as https://www.amazon.com/s?me=A294P4X9EWVXLJ&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER

3. The Link Also Contains the Seller ID

When looking for your Merchant Token Number, it's helpful to know that the link in your browser's address bar also contains your Seller ID


After logging into your Amazon Seller Central account and navigating to the "Account Info" page, take a look at the URL in your browser. 


You will notice a series of numbers and letters in the link. This sequence is your Seller ID. While the Merchant Token Number is specifically displayed under "Your Merchant Token," knowing that your Seller ID is embedded in the URL can serve as a quick reference. 


This can be particularly useful if you need to verify your Seller ID or if you're having trouble accessing the "Account Info" page directly.


For Example:


This link also contains the seller ID, such as: https://www.amazon.com/s?me=A294P4X9EWVXLJ&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER

The red part is the seller ID.


Are Amazon Seller ID and Merchant Token the Same?

Yes, an Amazon Seller ID, Merchant Token, and Merchant ID are all the same thing. They are unique identifiers for an Amazon seller's account. Amazon uses these identifiers to manage reports, handle orders, and more. 


This set of letters and numbers helps Amazon's internal system connect to a specific account. The token also works in the background with tools like Amazon Merchant Transport Utility (AMTU), third-party applications, and XML feeds to connect products uploaded to a seller account.


Read more about Tips for Amazon Sellers to Win the Buy Box.


Finding your Amazon Seller ID and Merchant Token Number is essential for managing your seller account effectively. These unique identifiers help you link to third-party tools, manage orders, and track your business operations. 


By knowing where to find these numbers, you can save time and streamline your selling process. Remember, you can locate your Seller ID in the URL of your Seller Central account and your Merchant Token in the "Account Info" section under "Your Merchant Token."


For more tips and detailed guides on Amazon selling, visit SellerSprite. Their tools, such as the keyword research toolproduct research tool, and market research tool, can help you optimize your listings, find new product opportunities, and understand market trends. 


Using SellerSprite's resources will enhance your Amazon selling experience and help you grow your business more efficiently.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a merchant ID in Amazon?

A merchant ID in Amazon is a unique identifier assigned to each seller on the platform. It helps Amazon recognize and manage your seller account. This ID is essential for various tasks, such as linking to third-party tools and handling transactions.

What is a merchant token used for?

A merchant token is used to integrate your Amazon seller account with third-party tools and services. It helps manage tasks like order processing and inventory tracking. This unique code ensures that all activities are correctly associated with your seller account.

How do I find my Amazon seller ID?

To find your Amazon seller ID, log into your Amazon Seller Central account. Go to the "Settings" menu and select "Account Info." Your seller ID can be found in the URL of the Account Info page.

Where is the Amazon store ID number?

The Amazon store ID number is found in the URL when you are logged into your Seller Central account. Navigate to the "Account Info" page, and you will see a series of numbers and letters in the URL. This sequence is your store ID number.

What is Amazon's product ID number?

Amazon's product ID number, also known as ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number), is a unique code assigned to each product listed on Amazon. It helps in identifying and tracking products in the Amazon catalog. You can find the ASIN on the product detail page under the "Product Information" section.



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