Amazon Subscribe and Save (Seller’s Guide): How to Maximize Your Sales


Harness the power of steady sales with Amazon Subscribe & Save, the go-to strategy for sellers aiming for regular income and simplified shopping for their customers. This service is designed to turn occasional buyers into repeat customers by offering scheduled deliveries of products they love.

In this guide, you'll find tips on elevating your sales with Subscribe & Save. We cover increasing visibility, customer retention, and leveraging subscriptions for better business stability.

Perfect for sellers at any stage, we'll show you how to transform irregular purchases into a reliable revenue source through Amazon's subscription program. 

What Is Amazon Subscribe and Save?

Amazon Subscribe and Save is a program that allows customers to subscribe to products they frequently purchase and have them delivered to their doorstep on a recurring basis. This program is beneficial for both sellers and customers.

Benefits for Sellers and Customers

The Subscribe and Save program is a great way for sellers to increase their sales and customer loyalty. When customers subscribe to a product, they are more likely to purchase it again and again, which means more sales for the seller. Additionally, customers who subscribe to a product are more likely to become loyal customers, as they are satisfied with the convenience of having the product delivered to them on a recurring basis.

For customers, the Subscribe and Save program is a convenient way to purchase products they frequently use without having to worry about running out of them. They can set the frequency of their deliveries and have the products delivered to their doorstep without having to go to the store.

How Does Amazon Subscribe and Save Work?

To participate in the Subscribe and Save program, sellers need to enable it in their Fulfillment by Amazon settings. Once enabled, they can add products to the program and offer customers a discount on the product price. Customers can then subscribe to the product and set the frequency of their deliveries.

When a customer subscribes to a product, they receive a discount on the product price and free standard shipping on auto-deliveries. Customers can cancel their subscription at any time, and they are only charged for the products that are shipped to them.

Eligibility and Enrollment

To be eligible for Amazon’s Subscribe and Save program, you must meet certain requirements. First, you must have a Professional Seller Account. Second, you must have eligible products that are eligible for Subscribe and Save. Third, you must have a good performance history on Amazon, which includes having a low cancellation rate, high order defect rate, and high customer satisfaction rate.

Additionally, brand owners can enroll in the program through the Amazon Brand Registry program, which provides additional benefits such as brand protection and increased visibility. FBA sellers can also participate in the program, but they must ensure that their products are eligible for Subscribe and Save.

The Enrollment Process

Enrolling in Amazon’s Subscribe and Save program is a straightforward process. First, log in to your Seller Central account and navigate to the “Subscription Settings” section. Here, you can check your eligibility status and enroll in the program if you meet the requirements.

Once you are enrolled, you can add eligible products to the program by going to the “Subscribe and Save” section in your Fulfillment by Amazon settings. From there, you can choose which products you want to offer as Subscribe and Save items and set the discount you want to offer to customers.

It’s important to note that there are certain requirements for the discount you offer on Subscribe and Save items. The discount must be at least 5% off the regular price, and the discount percentage must be consistent across all subscription orders. Additionally, you must offer free standard shipping on all Subscribe and Save orders.

Ready to dive deeper into your market and sharpen your Subscribe & Save strategy? Take advantage of insights and data that can propel your success. Explore SellerSprite's Market Research tool and gain the edge over your competition.

Maximizing Revenue and Conversion

As an Amazon seller, maximizing your revenue and conversion is crucial to the success of your business. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

Setting Competitive Discounts

Offering competitive discounts can help you attract more customers and increase your revenue. However, it’s important to ensure that your discount rate does not eat into your profit margin. Do some research on your competitors to determine what discounts they offer and adjust your prices accordingly.

Optimizing Inventory Levels

Keeping the right amount of inventory is crucial to maximizing your revenue. If you have too much inventory, you risk tying up your capital and incurring storage fees. On the other hand, if you have too little inventory, you risk losing out on potential sales. Use Amazon’s inventory management tools to help you optimize your inventory levels and avoid stockouts.

Leveraging Customer Feedback

Customer feedback is a valuable tool to help you improve your products and increase your conversion rate. Make sure to monitor your product reviews and respond to any negative feedback in a timely and professional manner. Use customer feedback to identify areas for improvement and make changes to your products or listings accordingly.

Operational Management

As an Amazon seller, it is crucial to have a solid operational management strategy in place to ensure that your Subscribe and Save program runs smoothly. In this section, we will discuss two critical components of operational management: maintaining inventory and stock rates and understanding fulfillment options.

Maintaining Inventory and Stock Rates

Maintaining an optimal in-stock rate is crucial to the success of your Subscribe and Save program. You need to ensure that you have enough inventory to fulfill orders while avoiding overstocking, which can lead to increased storage fees.

To maintain your in-stock rate, you need to monitor your inventory levels regularly. You can use Amazon’s Inventory Performance Index (IPI) to track your inventory health and identify areas that need improvement. The IPI takes into account your sell-through rate, stranded inventory, and excess inventory to give you an overall score.

You can also use FBA’s inventory management tools to help you manage your inventory levels efficiently. For example, you can set up automated replenishment alerts to notify you when your inventory levels are low.

Understanding Fulfillment Options

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is the most popular fulfillment option for Subscribe and Save sellers. With FBA, Amazon takes care of storage, packing, and shipping your products to customers. This frees up your time so you can focus on growing your business.

To use FBA, you need to send your inventory to an FBA warehouse. Amazon will then handle the rest, including picking, packing, and shipping your products to customers. You can monitor your FBA inventory levels using the FBA Inventory Dashboard.

Your FBA performance metrics are also important to monitor. Amazon uses these metrics to evaluate your performance as an FBA seller. These metrics include order defect rate, pre-fulfillment cancel rate, and late shipment rate. You can use these metrics to identify areas for improvement and take corrective action.

Advancing Customer Retention and Brand Loyalty

Creating a Strong Brand Presence

As an Amazon seller, one of your primary goals should be creating a strong brand presence that resonates with your target audience. This involves developing a unique brand identity that differentiates your products from others in the marketplace. A strong brand presence can help build trust and credibility with your customers, which can lead to increased customer retention and brand loyalty.

To create a strong brand presence, consider the following strategies:

  • Develop a unique brand identity that reflects your company’s values and mission.
  • Use high-quality product images and descriptions to showcase your products.
  • Encourage customer reviews and feedback to build social proof and credibility.
  • Utilize Amazon’s advertising tools, such as Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands, to increase brand visibility and awareness.

By implementing these strategies, you can create a strong brand presence that resonates with your customers and encourages them to become loyal to your brand.

Encouraging Repeat Purchases

Encouraging repeat purchases is another key component of building customer retention and brand loyalty. Repeat customers are more likely to make larger purchases and recommend your products to others, which can lead to increased sales and revenue.

To encourage repeat purchases, consider implementing the following strategies:

  • Offer discounts or promotions for repeat customers.
  • Utilize Amazon’s Subscribe and Save program to encourage regular purchases of your products.
  • Provide exceptional customer service to ensure a positive experience for your customers.
  • Develop a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers for their purchases.


Taking full advantage of Amazon's Subscribe & Save can significantly impact your business, offering steady income and building strong customer connections. With the tips from this guide, you're equipped to grow your subscription sales and compete effectively in the online market.


For pricing your products smartly while keeping an eye on expenses, accurate calculations are crucial. Utilize SellerSprite's FBA Calculator to navigate fees and profits with ease, ensuring your Amazon business remains profitable and on track for long-term success. Check it out and take control of your financials today.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the requirements for Subscribe and Save on Amazon?

To participate in the Subscribe and Save program on Amazon, you must be a registered seller with an active Amazon Professional Selling account. Your products must be eligible for the program, which includes a wide range of items such as household essentials, pet supplies, baby products, and groceries. Additionally, you must offer a discount of at least 5% off the regular price to customers who subscribe to your products.

How to create a subscribe and save on Amazon?

To create a Subscribe and Save offer for your products, you need to upload a Subscribe and Save inventory file template in your Seller Central account. You can find this template by navigating to Help > FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) > FBA features & fees > FBA subscribe & save > Add or remove subscribe & save products. Once you have uploaded the template, you can set the discount rate, subscription frequency, and other details for your products.

Where to find subscribe and save on Amazon seller central?

To access the Subscribe and Save program on Amazon Seller Central, you can navigate to the “Advertising” tab and select “Coupons.” From there, you can click on “Subscribe & Save Coupons” to create and manage your Subscribe and Save offers. You can also view reports and metrics related to your Subscribe and Save performance in the “Reports” tab.

What reports are available to sellers for tracking Subscribe and Save performance?

Amazon provides several reports to help sellers track the performance of their Subscribe and Save offers. These reports include the Subscribe and Save Detail Page Sales and Traffic report. This report shows the number of page views, orders, and revenue generated by your Subscribe and Save offers. You can also view the Subscribe and Save Cancellation report, which provides information on canceled subscriptions and the reasons for cancellation.

How can sellers cancel a customer's Subscribe and Save subscription?

Sellers can cancel a customer's Subscribe and Save subscription by navigating to the "Orders" tab in their Seller Central account and selecting the order they want to cancel. From there, they can click on "Cancel items" and select the reason for cancellation. Sellers should note that they are responsible for fulfilling any orders that have already been placed before canceling a subscription.

What fees are associated with the Subscribe and Save program for Amazon sellers?

Amazon charges a referral fee on the discounted price of each Subscribe and Save order. The referral fee varies depending on the product category, but it typically ranges from 6% to 15% of the discounted price. Additionally, there may be other fees such as storage fees for inventory held in Amazon's warehouses. Make sure to review and understand all fees associated with the program before participating.

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