How to Find Profitable Products for Amazon Wholesale


For wholesale sellers, picking products that can make good money and come with low risks is key. When you buy items in bulk, you face a bigger loss if they don't sell well. That's why it's so important to do your homework on the products you choose. In this guide, we'll dive into the world of wholesale and share tips on how to find profitable products for Amazon wholesale. 


We'll cover everything from market research to understanding trends, so you can make smart choices. With the right strategies, you can find products that offer high profits and low risks, ensuring your business thrives.

What Is Amazon Wholesale?

Amazon Wholesale is a business model where sellers purchase products in bulk directly from manufacturers or distributors and then resell them on Amazon. Unlike retail arbitrage or private labeling, wholesale involves buying large quantities of established, branded products at a lower cost per unit. 


The goal is to take advantage of the price difference between bulk purchasing and individual sales to make a profit. Sellers often focus on popular, high-demand items that already have a proven track record on Amazon. This approach minimizes risks and leverages the existing market presence of well-known brands.

How Does Amazon Wholesale Function?

Amazon Wholesale works by allowing sellers to buy products in large quantities from manufacturers or distributors at a lower price. The sellers then list these products on Amazon and sell them to customers at a higher price. 


Because they buy in bulk, they get a discount, which helps them make a profit when they sell the items individually. Sellers usually pick well-known, popular products that already have good reviews and steady demand on Amazon. 


This way, they reduce the risk of items not selling. The whole process involves finding the right suppliers, managing inventory, and keeping track of sales to ensure the business runs smoothly.

6 Key Points to Remember in Wholesale

There are key aspects to keep in mind when diving into the world of wholesale:

1. Product Research is Important

Wholesale involves investing upfront to purchase products in bulk. Ensuring the products are profitable and devoid of selling issues (like IP complaints or restrictions) is crucial to prevent losses.

2. Challenges When Trying to Work With Suppliers

When you aim to get the lowest product price, you prefer to buy straight from the brand or manufacturer. But well-known brands usually have their own sales network set up already, making it tough to convince them to sell to you directly. 


As a wholesale seller, you need to persuade a brand to include you as a new distribution channel in their network.

3. Supplier Channel Preferences

Suppliers might not like working with Amazon sellers because they prefer sellers who sell through different channels. They might think that having more sellers will create more competition.


However, if you see other Amazon sellers selling the brand's products, you can use that as a way to convince them to work with you.

4. Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)

High MOQ requirements by brands can necessitate significant upfront investments. Being prepared to meet these requirements is essential.

5. Boosting Supplier Trust

To gain a supplier's trust, it's important to invest time in building a strong connection. You should showcase your negotiation skills to prove you're the right person to help increase their sales.


Highlighting your experience in selling on Amazon and your capacity to move high volumes is crucial. Once you establish a relationship, you can then negotiate discounts and more favorable terms.

6. Reduced Advertising Expenses

Selling a well-known brand on Amazon means you won't need to spend a lot on marketing and advertising. This is because the brand is already promoted effectively, saving you from additional advertising costs.


How to Find Profitable Products for Amazon Wholesale

How To Find Profitable Products for Amazon Wholesale?

Finding profitable products for Amazon wholesale can be easy if you follow these simple steps:

1. Research Market Demand

  • Check Best Sellers: Look at Amazon's best-seller lists to see what's popular.
  • Use Seller  Market Research Tool: It can help find high-demand products. 

2. Analyze Competition

  • Look at Reviews: Check the number and quality of reviews. Too many reviews might mean too much competition.
  • Competitor Analysis: Look at the top sellers in the category and study their strengths and weaknesses. Use our tool for Competitor Lookup  Analysis.

3. Identify Niche Products

  • Focus on Niches: Find products that serve a specific need or interest. Less competition can mean better profits.
  • Check Trends: Use the SellerSprite Product research tool to see if the product is gaining popularity.

4. Evaluate Supplier Options

  • Find Reliable Suppliers: Look for suppliers with good reviews and a solid track record.
  • Negotiate Prices: Get quotes from multiple suppliers and negotiate to get the best deal.

5. Calculate Profit Margins

  • Estimate Costs: Include product cost, shipping, Amazon fees, and other expenses.
  • Set a Price: Ensure your selling price covers all costs and leaves a good profit margin.

6. Test the Market

  • Order Small Batches: Start with a small order to test demand and quality.
  • Get Feedback: Ask customers for reviews and use the feedback to improve.

7. Optimize Listings

  • Create Detailed Listings: Use clear images, detailed descriptions, and relevant keywords.
  • Monitor Performance: Keep track of sales and adjust your strategy as needed.

8. Stay Updated

  • Follow Trends: Keep an eye on market changes and adapt quickly.
  • Learn Continuously: Stay informed about Amazon's policies and best practices.

By following these steps, you can find and sell profitable products on Amazon. Good luck with your wholesale journey!

How To Start Selling Wholesale Products on Amazon

Step 1: Find a Supplier

Begin by locating a brand, manufacturer, or major distributor that offers the products you wish to sell. This can be done by browsing online directories, attending trade shows, or directly reaching out to manufacturers.

Step 2: Negotiate With the Supplier

Contact potential suppliers, request price quotes, and compare pricing, terms, and minimum order quantities. Negotiate prices that allow for a good profit margin. Discuss payment methods, credit terms, and potential discounts for larger orders.

Step 3: Research and Select Profitable Products

Obtain a list of products from your supplier. Utilize tools like the SellerSprite and Seller Assistant App to assess sales data, product performance, and profitability estimates. Look for products with high demand, low competition, good profit margins, and positive reviews. Verify your findings to ensure you can achieve the projected profits.

Step 4: Buy Inventory

After confirming your product choices, purchase inventory from your supplier. Keep in mind that minimum order quantities (MOQ) may vary but usually range from hundreds to thousands of units.

Step 5: List Products on Amazon

Once you have the inventory, list your products on Amazon. Add your offers to existing listings, ensuring they match the descriptions accurately.

Step 6: Process the Orders

When customers make purchases, fulfill the orders by either handling it yourself or utilizing Amazon's Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service. With FBA, Amazon handles the shipping, packing, and customer service for your orders.

Importance of Product Sourcing Tools in Wholesale

Wholesale sellers need to conduct thorough product research to avoid potential losses. Utilizing product sourcing tools like the Seller Assistant App can streamline this process. This tool assists in identifying high-performing products suitable for Amazon sales. 

It provides various features like an IP Alert database, UPC/EAN to ASIN converter, Bulk Restrictions Checker, Quick View, and more to facilitate efficient product research and validation.

13 Steps To Conduct Product Research Using Seller Assistant App

Step 1: Remove Referral Links

Delete referral links from product URLs to get accurate data. Specifically, eliminate the "ref=" part from the links. This ensures that the information you gather is clean and not influenced by referral tracking, giving you a true picture of the product’s performance.

Step 2: Check for Private-label Brands

Ensure the product isn't a private label to avoid potential issues. Private-label products are often exclusive to the brand owner, which can lead to restrictions or legal problems if you try to sell them. Look for products that have multiple FBA sellers, as this usually indicates that the item is not a private label. Additionally, check for any intellectual property (IP) complaints to make sure you won't run into trouble later.

Step 3: Research FBA Seller Count

Identify competition levels by checking the number of FBA sellers for the product. This helps you understand how crowded the market is. An optimal range is between 3 and 15 sellers, which provides a good balance. Too few sellers might mean low demand, while too many can make it hard to compete. Finding the right number ensures you have a fair chance to succeed.

Step 4: Avoid Competing With Amazon

Steer clear of products where Amazon dominates the Buy Box. Competing with Amazon is tough because they often have better pricing and stock advantages. When Amazon controls the Buy Box, it can be difficult for other sellers to make sales. 

Focus on products where third-party sellers have a better chance of winning the Buy Box, ensuring fairer competition and better sales opportunities for you.

Step 5: Check Product Sale History

Verify the listing age to gain valuable sales insights. Ensure there is at least 6 months of sales data available. This data helps you understand the product's price trends, consistency in sales, and any seasonal fluctuations. By examining the sales history, you can make informed decisions about whether the product is a good investment and if it will perform well in the long run.

Step 6: Analyze BSR Trends

Examine Best Sellers Rank (BSR) trends to understand the product's sales performance. Look for consistent and downward trends in BSR, which indicate steady or increasing sales. Check the average BSR and observe how it changes over different periods. This analysis helps you gauge the product’s popularity and potential for long-term success.

Step 7: Research Buy Box Offers

Analyze Buy Box prices to understand pricing trends and competition. Look at who is winning the Buy Box and at what price points. This information helps you make informed decisions about your pricing strategy and whether you can compete effectively in the market.

Step 8: Analyze Product Variations

Check the product variations to ensure compliance with Amazon's rules and to identify which variations sell best. Variations can include different sizes, colors, or models. Knowing which ones are most popular can help you focus on the best-selling options and optimize your inventory.

Step 9: Review Product Ratings

Seek products with 4-5 star ratings and minimal negative feedback. High ratings indicate customer satisfaction and product quality, which can lead to better sales and fewer returns. Avoid products with a lot of negative reviews, as they may be harder to sell and could damage your seller's reputation.

Step 10: Check Eligibility and Restrictions

Make sure you can sell the product on your Amazon account without any restrictions. Some products have rules about who can sell them, and you need to know these before you buy anything in bulk. For example, certain brands might only allow authorized sellers or some items might need special approval from Amazon. 

If you try to sell restricted products without permission, Amazon could block your listing or even suspend your account. To avoid this, always check Amazon’s guidelines and restrictions for the product you want to sell. This step helps ensure you won’t face any surprises after you’ve made a big purchase.

Step 11: Identify Product Flags

Check for any flags such as oversized items or hazardous materials that may cause issues. These flags can affect shipping costs, storage fees, and compliance requirements. Identifying these potential problems early helps you avoid unexpected challenges and additional expenses.

Step 12: Estimate Sales Potential

Get an estimate of the product's sales potential based on current competition and market demand. Look at sales data, competition levels, and market trends to gauge how well the product might perform. This helps you make informed decisions about whether to invest in the product.

Step 13: Calculate ROI

Calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) to ensure the product is profitable. Aim for an ROI of 10% or higher to make it worth your investment. Use the ROI calculator available on the Amazon product pages within the Seller Assistant App to simplify this process. This step ensures that your efforts will result in a good financial return.

13 Steps to Conduct Product Research Using Seller Assistant App


In summary, while finding Amazon suppliers is crucial in wholesale, thorough product research is equally vital to ensure profitability. Utilizing comprehensive tools for product sourcing, like SellerSprite and Seller Assistant App, is essential for achieving success in selling wholesale products on Amazon.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is wholesale on Amazon profitable?

Yes, wholesale on Amazon can be profitable if you choose the right products and manage your costs well. By buying in bulk at lower prices and selling at a higher margin, you can make a good profit.

How to find best-selling products on Amazon for free?

You can find best-selling products on Amazon for free by browsing the Best Sellers section on Amazon’s website. This section lists the most popular items in various categories, updated hourly.

Do I need a license to wholesale on Amazon?

Yes, you typically need a business license and a resale certificate to wholesale on Amazon. These documents allow you to buy products in bulk from suppliers without paying sales tax.

Is reselling wholesale worth it?

Reselling wholesale can be worth it if you select high-demand products and manage your inventory effectively. It offers a good balance of lower risk and higher profit margins compared to other selling methods.

Where do people buy products to sell on Amazon?

People buy products to sell on Amazon from various sources such as manufacturers, distributors, and wholesale suppliers. They often look for reputable suppliers that offer quality products at competitive prices.

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