How To Find the Best-Selling Amazon FBA Products Using Google Trends


With the rapid growth of computer technology, the value of data is immense. How can we capture useful information and create wealth? Google Trends is a tool worth looking into.


As we all know, Google is the top search engine, with nearly 80% of the PC market and almost 96% of the mobile market. It is used by people worldwide and is searched billions of times each day. 


To better showcase the value of this search data, Google launched Google Trends in 2006. This free online tool lets you see how popular a keyword is and its search trend over time. 


The data comes mainly from Google Search, Google Shopping, YouTube, Google News, and Google Images.

How To Use Google Trends

Enter the keyword, and you will get the Google Trend interest for that term from 2004 to the present. This interest is shown as a value between 0 and 100, where a higher value means greater popularity. Additionally, you can compare up to five keywords at the same time to see how they stack up against each other.

Keyword popularity ranked by region and city. You can switch between sub-regions and cities to see the specific ranking.



In addition to searching for keywords, you can also view the trending searches and years in search in the menu bar to know the current hot information.



Although Google Trends cannot dig deep into data, it can find niche markets, do product research, develop quarterly marketing strategies and track data trends, such as doing keyword research, understanding industry, brand and product trends, and analyzing competitors, etc.

1. Keyword Research

For Amazon sellers, whether the title, bullet point, description, PPC, reviews, or keywords are the core. How to know the keywords are accurate? 


Take “spoon” and “scoop” as an example. Which of them is more suitable to use as the keyword? 


Fill into the search box and compare them to see how popular they are and which one is more commercially valuable. You can also change the country, region, and city to see if there is any difference.



2. Find Niche Markets

Take “spoon” and “scoop” as an example as well. In the chart, we can see that Pakistan and Japan are the most searched countries, so Pakistan and Japan are our first choice if we want to do spoon business. 


Secondly, it can be seen that the French prefer to use “scoop”, so you should pay special attention when optimizing keywords.

3. Develop Marketing Strategies

Developing a marketing strategy requires a lot of data. Google Trend can help you analyze the historical trend of a product. Based on the trend, we can judge whether there is seasonality. 


Take “Umbrellas” as an example. We can find that the search volume reached a peak every year in June, which is an obvious seasonal product. Then, we should have finished stocking before June each year.



4. Scope Out Competitors

Fill into a brand name to see its trends over the years and its popular markets. Take “Sony”, the representative brand of 3C products, as an example. This word reaches its peak in December every year, which may be caused by Christmas. 


However, Sony’s search popularity has been decreasing year by year. Whether it is a trend in the whole industry or the rise of competitors?


5. Do Content Marketing

We all know how important the hot event is for us. If we can make good use of it, our content will be easier to search out. What matters most in content marketing is the popularity of articles. Trending Searches in Google Trends are good sources.

All in all, Google Trend as a free data tool has helped us with a basic classification. After all, deeper data analysis and development may require more resources.

Sellersprite’s Keyword Mining Has Integrated Google Trend


Entering keywords in the SellerSprite Keyword Mining can not only get a series of information about the keyword on Amazon but also see the search data of the keyword on Google, which combines the information inside and outside. 


Click “G” on the right to view the keyword’s historical information. On the detailed page, you can choose Google Web Search, Google Shopping Search, time interval, etc.



After obtaining the keyword information outside, you can further judge the market. For the preliminary research of developing new markets, a large amount of data can be provided to analyze the accessibility; for outside marketing, both Amazon SEO and Amazon PPC will be even more powerful.


The significance of this function is to make up for the lack and delay of keyword information on Amazon. Although Amazon is a department store, there is always something that it does not cover. If you can find the products whose searches have been rising for years or have increased recently on Google but have no sign on Amazon, then the chance will fall to you.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we use Google Trends for Amazon products?

We use Google Trends for Amazon products to understand what people are searching for and when. This helps sellers identify popular products and trends over time. By analyzing this data, sellers can make informed decisions about which products to stock and when to promote them.

How can you find trending products using Google Trends?

To find niches using Google Trends, start by entering broad keywords related to your interests. Look for specific terms with rising search interest but lower competition. Compare multiple related keywords to find less saturated markets. This helps you identify profitable niches to target.

How do you see how well a product sells on Amazon?

To see how well a product sells on Amazon, check the product's Best Sellers Rank (BSR) on its listing page. A lower BSR indicates better sales. You can also read customer reviews and check the number of ratings to gauge its popularity. Tools like SellerSprite can provide additional sales data and insights.

How can you find niches using Google Trends?

To find niches using Google Trends, start by entering broad keywords related to your interests. Look for specific terms with rising search interest but lower competition. Compare multiple related keywords to find less saturated markets. This helps you identify profitable niches to target.

How can you make money from Google Trends?

You can make money from Google Trends by identifying popular and trending products to sell. Use the data to optimize your product listings and marketing strategies. Targeting trending keywords can drive more traffic to your listings, increasing sales and profitability.

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