How To Get GTIN Exemption on Amazon and List Products Without UPC


If you're an Amazon seller, you may have come across the term "GTIN exemption" and wondered what it means. A GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) is a unique identifier for a product, usually in the form of a UPC (Universal Product Code).

Amazon requires a valid GTIN for most products to ensure catalog accuracy. However, a GTIN exemption on Amazon allows you to list a product without a GTIN if you don't have one or can't obtain it.

Not all products qualify for a GTIN exemption, and there are specific requirements and drawbacks, such as limited visibility in search results and feature restrictions.

Considering a GTIN exemption on Amazon? Read on to understand the requirements, benefits, drawbacks, and best practices for managing your listings.

Amazon's Product Identification Requirements

When selling products on Amazon, it is important to understand the product identification requirements. Amazon requires sellers to provide product identification information for each product they list on the platform.

This information helps Amazon identify and classify products, which is important for search and discovery, inventory management, and other purposes.

Amazon Barcodes

Barcodes are a common way to identify products. There are several different types of barcodes, including UPC, EAN, ISBN, JAN, and ASIN.

Each type of barcode serves a different purpose and is used in different regions of the world.

A Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) is a unique identifier for a product. GTINs are used to identify products in the supply chain and are often encoded in barcodes. The most common types of GTINs are UPC, EAN, and ISBN.

A Universal Product Code (UPC) is a type of barcode that is commonly used in North America. UPCs are 12 digits long and are used to identify products in retail stores.

An International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a type of barcode that is used to identify books. ISBNs are 13 digits long and are used to identify books in the supply chain.

An Amazon Standard Identification Number (ASIN) is a unique identifier that Amazon assigns to each product listed on its platform. ASINs are used to identify products in the Amazon catalog and are often used in search and discovery.

The Role of GS1 in Barcode Standards

GS1 is a global organization that develops and maintains barcode standards. GS1 is responsible for developing the GTIN, which is used to identify products in the supply chain. GS1 also develops and maintains other barcode standards, including UPC and EAN.

When selling products on Amazon, it is important to ensure that your products are properly identified with a GTIN. However, some products may be eligible for a GTIN exemption, which allows sellers to list products without a GTIN.

GTIN Exemptions on Amazon

A computer screen displaying the Amazon website with a section labeled "GTIN Exemptions" highlighted

If you are a brand owner or manufacturer, you may be eligible for a GTIN exemption on Amazon. This means that you can list your products without a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN), which is a unique identifier for products.

GTIN exemptions are particularly useful for sellers of handmade products or unbranded items.

To be eligible for a GTIN exemption, you must meet certain criteria. Firstly, you must be the brand owner or manufacturer of the product.

Secondly, your product must not have a GTIN assigned to it. Thirdly, your product must fit into one of the categories that allows for GTIN exemptions. These categories include handmade products, vintage items, and unbranded items.

How To Apply for GTIN Exemption on Amazon

To apply for a GTIN exemption, you need to submit a GTIN exemption application through Seller Central. Here is a step-by-step guide to the process:

  1. Log in to your Seller Central account and go to the Inventory tab.
  2. Click on Add a Product and search for your product.
  3. If your product is not already in the Amazon catalog, click on the "I'm adding a product not sold on Amazon" button.
  4. Fill out the product information, including the product title, description, and images.
  5. Click on the "Does not have a GTIN" checkbox.
  6. Submit your application.

Once you submit your application, Amazon will review it and let you know if your product is eligible for a GTIN exemption.

GTIN Exemption for Unbranded Products

If you are selling unbranded products, you can apply for a GTIN exemption for your entire brand. This means that you can list as many products as you want under the same brand name without needing a GTIN for each individual product.

To apply for a brand-level GTIN exemption, follow the same steps as above, but choose the "Brand" option instead of the "Product" option.

How To Create Amazon Listings Post-Exemption Approval

Once you have received approval for your GTIN exemption on Amazon, you can start creating product listings. In this section, we will guide you through the process of setting up your product catalog and understanding Amazon's FNSKU barcode.

Setting Up Your Product Catalog

Before you can add products to your Amazon store, you need to set up your product catalog. This involves creating a product name, selecting a product category, and uploading product images and descriptions.

You can do this by logging into your Amazon Seller Central account and navigating to the "Add a Product" page.

When adding a product, you will be prompted to provide a product name, product category, and other relevant information.

Make sure to select the correct product category to ensure your product is listed in the appropriate section of the Amazon marketplace.

Amazon's FNSKU Barcode

After setting up your product catalog, you will need to create an FNSKU barcode for each product. The FNSKU barcode is a unique identifier that Amazon uses to track your products in their fulfillment centers.

To create an FNSKU barcode, you will first need to request a barcode from Amazon. This can be done by submitting a request through your Amazon Seller Central account. Once you are eligible to receive an FNSKU barcode, Amazon will generate one for you.

Sourcing and Using UPCs for Amazon Listings

If you plan to sell products on Amazon, you will need to obtain UPC codes for each item you intend to list. UPC codes are unique identifiers that help Amazon identify and track your products. In this section, we will discuss how to purchase valid UPC codes and comply with Amazon's TOS for UPCs.

Purchasing Valid UPC Codes for Amazon

To obtain UPC codes for your products, you will need to purchase them from a legitimate source.

The most widely recognized source for UPC codes is GS1, a global organization that sets standards for barcodes and other product identification systems.

You can purchase UPC codes directly from GS1, but the process can be expensive and time-consuming.

Alternatively, you can purchase UPC codes from resellers such as,, and However, be careful when purchasing UPC codes from resellers, as some may sell invalid or duplicate codes.

Complying with Amazon's TOS for UPCs

Amazon has strict guidelines and restrictions on the use of UPCs for product listings. Failure to comply with these guidelines could result in your listings being removed or your account being suspended.

Some of the key guidelines to keep in mind include:

  • UPCs must be unique and assigned to a single product
  • UPCs must be valid and not expired
  • UPCs must match the product information listed on Amazon
  • UPCs cannot be reused or transferred between products

To ensure compliance with Amazon's TOS for UPCs, it is recommended that you register your brand with Amazon's Brand Registry.

This will allow you to apply for a GTIN exemption for your products, which will allow you to list them without UPCs.

Troubleshooting GTIN Exemption Issues

A computer screen displaying error messages for GTIN exemption on Amazon. A confused user looking at the screen for help

If you're an Amazon seller and you're experiencing issues with your GTIN exemption, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the problem. Here are some tips to help you get back on track.

What to Do If You're Not GTIN Exemption Eligible

Before you can apply for a GTIN exemption, you need to make sure that you're eligible. Amazon has specific criteria that you must meet in order to qualify for a GTIN exemption.

If you're not eligible, you won't be able to apply for an exemption.

If you've determined that you're not eligible for a GTIN exemption, you'll need to obtain a valid GTIN for each product you want to sell on Amazon.

You can purchase GTINs from GS1, the global organization that manages the UPC and other barcodes. Once you have a valid GTIN, you can create a new product listing on Amazon.

Reapplying for GTIN Exemption and Next Steps

If you are eligible for a GTIN exemption and have already applied for one, but are experiencing issues, there are a few things you can do.

First, make sure that you've followed the application process correctly. You must complete and submit the GTIN exemption application form, which includes information about your products and why you believe you qualify for an exemption.

Once you've submitted your application, you should receive an email from Amazon confirming that your request has been received. If you don't receive this email, you should contact seller support to confirm that your application was received.

If your application is approved, you'll receive an email from Amazon with your GTIN exemption approval status. If your application is denied, you'll need to obtain valid GTINs for each of your products.

If you've already been approved for a GTIN exemption and are experiencing issues, you may need to reapply.

Make sure that you've provided all the necessary information and that you've followed the application process correctly. If you continue to experience issues, you should contact Seller Support for assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I apply for a GTIN exemption on Amazon?

To apply for a GTIN exemption on Amazon, you need to have a registered brand and a seller account.

Once you have these, you can apply for a GTIN exemption by logging into your Seller Central account and selecting the category that your product belongs to. Then, you can enter your brand name and apply for the exemption.

What are the requirements for obtaining a GTIN exemption on Amazon?

To obtain a GTIN exemption on Amazon, you need to have a registered brand and a product that meets certain criteria.

Your product must be unique and not already listed on Amazon, and it must not require a GTIN by law. Additionally, your product must be listed in a category that allows for GTIN exemptions.

Why is my GTIN exemption request on Amazon not being approved?

If your GTIN exemption request on Amazon is not being approved, it could be because your product does not meet the requirements for exemption or because your brand is not registered with Amazon.

Make sure that your product is unique and does not require a GTIN by law, and that your brand is registered with Amazon before applying for an exemption.

Can I list products on Amazon without a GTIN?

Yes, you can list products on Amazon without a GTIN if your product is exempt from the requirement or if you have been granted a GTIN exemption by Amazon.

However, keep in mind that some categories may require a GTIN, so it's important to check the requirements before listing your product.

What should I do if my GTIN exemption status on Amazon is unclear?

If your GTIN exemption status on Amazon is unclear, you should contact Amazon Seller Support for assistance.

They can provide you with information about your exemption status and help you resolve any issues that may be preventing your product from being listed.

Are there specific guidelines for GTIN exemption for Amazon UK sellers?

Yes, there are specific guidelines for GTIN exemption for Amazon UK sellers. In general, the guidelines are similar to those for sellers in other regions. However, there may be some differences in the application process and requirements.

For more information, you can visit the Amazon UK Seller Central website or contact Amazon Seller Support.

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