How To Get Ungated on Amazon: A Step-by-Step Guide


Are you an Amazon seller looking to expand your product offerings and increase your sales? If so, you may have encountered restricted categories and brands that require approval to sell.

These restrictions can limit your ability to grow your business and reach new customers.

A computer screen displaying Amazon's ungating requirements, with a checklist of necessary documents and a successful approval notification

To start, it's important to understand what it means to be ungated on Amazon. Essentially, this means that you have received approval to sell products in a specific category or from a particular brand that is normally restricted.

This can open up new opportunities for your business and increase your sales potential.

Getting ungated on Amazon is not always a straightforward process, however. Requirements and procedures can vary depending on the category or brand you are seeking approval for.

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide and essential information to help you successfully navigate the ungating process and expand your business on Amazon.

What Is An Amazon “Gated” Category?

An Amazon "Gated" category with a locked gate and a key unlocking it, symbolizing the process of getting ungated on Amazon

If you are an Amazon seller, you may have come across the term "gated categories" or "restricted categories." A gated category is a product category on Amazon that requires approval from Amazon before you can sell products in that category.

Amazon has gated categories to ensure that only authorized sellers can sell certain products, such as high-end electronics, health and beauty products, and certain brands. This helps to prevent counterfeit products from being sold on Amazon and ensures that customers receive authentic products.

Some categories are gated because they require additional verification or documentation to sell in. For example, some categories may require proof of authorization from the manufacturer or distributor, or proof of liability insurance.

If you try to list a product in a gated category without approval, Amazon will not allow you to do so. You may receive an error message stating that the category is gated or restricted.

To sell products in a gated category, you need to apply for approval from Amazon. The application process varies depending on the category, but generally, you will need to provide documentation such as invoices, product images, and descriptions.

It's important to note that not all categories on Amazon are gated. Most categories are open to all sellers, and you can list products in those categories without approval. However, some categories may have restrictions on certain brands or products within the category.

What Does It Mean To Be “Ungated” On Amazon?

A laptop displaying Amazon's ungating process, with a checklist of required documents and a successful confirmation message

If you're an Amazon seller, you may have heard the term "ungated" thrown around. But what does it mean to be "ungated" on Amazon? Essentially, being ungated means that you have been granted permission to sell certain products or in certain categories that are typically restricted.

Amazon's gated categories are designed to protect customers from counterfeit or subpar products. However, this can make it difficult for sellers to break into certain markets.

By becoming ungated, you can expand your product offerings and potentially increase your sales.

To become ungated, you will need to meet certain requirements and follow specific steps. These requirements and steps can vary depending on the category or product you are trying to sell.

For example, some categories may require proof of authenticity or a certain level of sales history.

It's important to note that being ungated on Amazon is not a one-time process. You may need to reapply or meet additional requirements in the future.

Additionally, being ungated does not guarantee success. You will still need to put in the effort to market and sell your products effectively.

Why Are Some Categories On Amazon Restricted?

A laptop displaying Amazon's restricted categories and ungating process, surrounded by relevant documents and a determined individual researching solutions

As an Amazon seller, you may have come across restricted categories on the platform. These categories are restricted because they require additional safety and regulatory compliance measures to ensure that the products sold in them are authentic and safe for customers to use.

One of the main reasons for restricted categories is to prevent the sale of counterfeit products. Amazon takes brand integrity very seriously and works hard to ensure that only authentic products are sold on its platform.

By restricting certain categories, Amazon can ensure that only authorized sellers can sell products in those categories, reducing the risk of counterfeit items being sold.

Additionally, some categories may be restricted due to regulatory compliance requirements. For example, certain products may require specific certifications or licenses to be sold legally.

By restricting these categories, Amazon can ensure that sellers are meeting all necessary legal requirements before selling those products.

To sell products in restricted categories, sellers must meet specific guidelines and requirements. These guidelines may include meeting certain performance targets, providing additional documentation, or undergoing additional training.

Why Should You Try To Get Ungated On Amazon?

A glowing Amazon logo hovers above a gated entrance, while a determined figure holds a key and looks towards the gate

If you're a brand looking to expand your business and reach more customers, getting ungated on Amazon is a great way to achieve that.

By being ungated in a particular category, you'll be able to sell products that were previously restricted to you. This means you'll have access to a wider range of products to offer your customers, which can help to increase your sales and revenue.

Getting ungated on Amazon also allows you to compete with other sellers who are already selling in those categories.

By being able to sell the same products, you'll be able to offer your customers more choices and potentially win over customers who may have previously purchased from your competitors.

In addition, being ungated in a particular category means you'll have less competition to deal with.

This is because not all sellers are able to get ungated, which means there are fewer sellers offering those products. This can be an advantage for you as you'll be able to sell products that are in high demand without having to compete with as many sellers.

How To Quickly Identify A Gated Or Ungated Product Without An Amazon Seller Account

A computer screen displaying a product page with a clear "Gated" or "Ungated" label, along with a step-by-step guide on how to become ungated on Amazon

Identifying whether a product is gated or ungated on Amazon is crucial for sellers who want to avoid wasting time and money on products they cannot sell.

Fortunately, there are several ways to quickly determine a product's status without having an Amazon seller account.

Check the Product Information

One of the easiest ways to determine if a product is gated or ungated is to check the product information.

If the product is gated, the seller will typically include a note in the product description or bullet points.

For example, the seller may state that the product is only available to approved sellers or that approval is required to sell the product.

Look Up the ASIN or Model Number

Another way to quickly determine if a product is gated or ungated is to look up the ASIN or model number.

If the product is gated, Amazon will typically display a message indicating that the product is restricted and cannot be sold by all sellers.

On the other hand, if the product is ungated, Amazon will display a message indicating that the product is open for all sellers to list.

Use UPC or EAN

If you have the UPC or EAN of the product, you can also use it to determine if the product is gated or ungated.

Go to the Amazon product page and enter the UPC or EAN in the search bar.

If the product is gated, Amazon will display a message indicating that the product is restricted and cannot be sold by all sellers.

If the product is ungated, Amazon will display a message indicating that the product is open for all sellers to list.

How To Get Ungated On Amazon

A stack of official documents, a computer with Amazon's website open, and a satisfied seller holding an approval email

Gaining approval to sell in restricted categories on Amazon involves meeting specific requirements for each category.

Consistently, Amazon requires proof of purchase from authorized suppliers, usually in the form of invoices for a minimum quantity of products, along with documentation that items meet Amazon's standards for that category.

General Steps Across All Categories:

Provide Invoices: Submit invoices from authorized suppliers showing the purchase of at least 10 units of the product.

Documentation: Provide proof that products meet Amazon's conditions, which may include safety, quality, authenticity, and other standards specific to the category.

Category-Specific Requirements:

Grocery and Gourmet Foods: Ensure packaging meets safety and quality control, with clear expiration dates.

Clothing, Accessories, Luggage: Prove authenticity and adherence to quality standards.

Major Appliances: Submit safety standard certifications.

Fine Art: Obtain an authorization letter from the artist or estate, and verify authenticity.

Fine Jewelry: Include certifications proving quality.

Wines: Validate vintage year and alcohol content.

Watches, Coins, Collectible Books, Sports, Entertainment Collectibles: Authenticate and show compliance with quality standards.

Video, DVDs, Blu-rays: Demonstrate region coding and authenticity.

Toys & Games (Holidays): Apply during the holiday approval period, showcasing safety and quality.

Automotive, Powersports, Kindle Accessories: Confirm compatibility and quality.

Sexual Wellness: Ensure safety and quality certification.

Gift Cards, Textbook Rentals: Authenticate and meet quality standards.

It's crucial to follow Amazon's specific guidance for each category to avoid delays or rejection in the approval process.

For detailed instructions, sellers should refer to Amazon's Seller Central for the latest ungating policies and steps.

How Long Does It Take To Get Ungated On Amazon?

A stack of paperwork, a laptop with Amazon's website open, and a timer ticking away on the desk

Getting ungated on Amazon can take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks or even months. The time it takes to get ungated varies depending on several factors, including the category or brand, the completeness of your application, and your seller performance metrics.

Amazon has strict requirements for sellers who want to sell in certain categories, such as grocery, health and personal care, and clothing and accessories. Before you can apply to sell in a gated category, you must meet certain criteria, such as having a professional seller account, maintaining a low late shipment rate, and keeping your order defect rate below 1%.

Once you have met the requirements, you can apply to sell in a gated category. The application process typically involves filling out a form with information about your business, including your supplier information, product details, and sales history.

After you submit your application, Amazon will review it to ensure that you meet all the requirements for selling in the gated category.

This process can take anywhere from a few hours to several weeks, depending on the complexity of your application and the volume of applications Amazon is processing at the time.

To speed up the process, make sure that your application is complete and accurate, and provide as much detail as possible about your business and products.

Also, make sure that your seller performance metrics are in good standing, as this can affect your chances of getting approved to sell in a gated category.

Frequently Asked Questions

A computer screen displaying Amazon's ungating process with a list of frequently asked questions

What are the steps to become ungated in restricted categories on Amazon?

To become ungated in a restricted category on Amazon, you must first have an Amazon Seller Central account. Then, you need to select a product from the category you wish to be ungated for and click "Listing limitations apply" and "Request approval."

The application form will pop out, and you must fill out the form with the necessary information. You will also need to provide proof of vendor/wholesale distributor relationship and proof of purchase (invoice) of at least ten items in the category or brand you are applying to get ungated in.

Is it possible to ungate categories on Amazon without a fee?

No, there is no way to ungate categories on Amazon without a fee. Amazon charges a fee for the application process and may also require payment for additional services, such as brand registry.

What is the typical timeframe for approval when applying to ungate categories on Amazon?

The typical timeframe for approval when applying to ungate categories on Amazon varies depending on the category and the seller's history with Amazon. Some categories may take longer than others, and some sellers may receive faster approval based on their history of selling on Amazon.

Can payment expedite the ungating process on Amazon?

While payment may be required for certain services related to ungating on Amazon, it does not necessarily expedite the process. Approval is based on meeting the requirements set forth by Amazon and providing accurate and complete information.

What strategies can be used to find products that are not gated on Amazon?

One strategy for finding products that are not gated on Amazon is to research niche categories or products that are not as popular or competitive.

Another strategy is to look for products that are not as well-known or have limited distribution. It is also important to stay up-to-date on changes to Amazon's gated categories and to continually monitor product availability.

What are some of the top brands that are easier to get approval for selling on Amazon?

While there is no definitive list of brands that are easier to get approval for selling on Amazon, some sellers have reported success with brands that are less well-known or have limited distribution.

It is important to research each brand's specific requirements and to provide accurate and complete information in the application process.

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