Traffic Comparison

2024-08-09| 入门引导|views(885)|Comments(0)
The Traffic comparison function is to input your own ASIN + competitors ASIN, compare your own and multiple competing products' traffic proportion, impression, ranking, conversion rate and other different metrics of data under different keywords, and quickly find yourself and the competitors ranking. Find out easily if you miss any metrics and improve it.
How to use the traffic comparison function?
Enter your own ASIN on the left, and enter the competitors ASIN on the right. Up to 10 competing ASINs can be added at onece.


By default, the query results are arranged in descending order according to the number of valid competing products. The larger the number of valid competing products, the greater the number of products that have entered the first 3 pages of search results for this keyword in the queried ASIN in the past 30 days.

Click the small arrows behind each title to freely switch to sort the query results according to different metrics.



Click [Filter Now] and enter Max and Min conditions to further filter out keywords with too low search volume or  small proportion:



You can compare according to different metrics as you see on the picture below:



Through the traffic comparison function, you can obtain the following information

1. Click share. As you see on the picture below different ASINs get different amount of Click share from keywords. For example:  B09XV2VC3L gets 14,77% click share from soap dispenser keyword


The first number is Click share of each ASIN for different keywords and it is described always by %.

The second number displays the type of keyword weight, which will be displayed only if one of the following three conditions is met:

  • Main  keywords: keywords with click sahre (proportion of exposure) ≥ 5%, and keywords ranking in the top 8 on the first page of organic search, or keywords with click share is ≥ 10%

  • Accurate keywords: keywords with weekly impression ≥ 2,000, and organic search rankings in the top 8 on the first page

  • Accurate long-tail keywords: 500≤weekly impression <2000, and organic search rankings in the top 8  keywords on the first page

2. Weekly search volume: The main  keywords of competing products, and compare the search volume that different keywords bring impression to each product.

For example: B08LTMQ4D4 got 45,518 impression  from soap dispenser keyword



▶Weekly impression refers to the estimated exposure the keyword has brought to the product in the past week, not the total search volume of the keyword on Amazon. After searching keywords, exposure will only be counted when the ASIN enters the first 3 pages of the search results page.
Assume that the keyword soap dispenser for kitchen has a weekly search volume of 77,054 in the last week. When searching for this keyword, ASIN B08LTMQ4D4 appears on the first 3 pages of the search results a total of 63,872 times. And sometimes this ASIN was on 4th, 5th, or following pages. Therefore, the keyword soap dispenser for kitchen search volume and impression for given ASIN is different.
3. Organic ranking: Compare your performance with that of competing products under each keyword through keyword ranking positions.
Click on the ranking to see the historical organic rank trend of each ASIN under the corresponding keyword. If there is no line graph, it means that the ranking on that day has not entered the top 3 pages of search results, which is kind of invalid impression.
4. Sponsored rankings: Compare the differences between your own and competing product sponsored keywords ranking.
Take a look at the main ad keywords of competing products, and see if there are any words that you have not run ppc yet; or if your ranking is lower than competitors just increase bid and monitor your keyword conversion.
Click on the ranking to view the historical advertising ranking trend of each ASIN under the corresponding keyword:
5. Conversion: check the difference between your own keywords and those of competing products
For example, there are some keywords with a high impression ratio, and the conversion of competing products is stable, but the conversion share of your own ASIN is not ideal, you can consider trying to increase ads or check and make sure relevancy for given keyword.
Conversion rates are mainly divided into the following four types:
  • High-quality conversion keywords: refers to the keywords in the ABA data that have a conversion share of ≥5% and a weekly exposure of ≥2,000, or the keywords in the ABA data that have a conversion share of ≥10% and a weekly impression of ≥1,000
  • Stable conversion keywords: refers to the keywords in the ABA data that have a conversion share of ≥3% in the last 2 weeks and a weekly exposure of ≥500
  • Declining conversion rate: refers to the keywords in ABA data that were converted last week (conversion sharing > 0%), no conversion this week (conversion sharing = 0%), and 50≤weekly exposure <1000
  • Non converting keywords: refers to click records in ABA data, but no conversions
If "-" is prompted, it refers to keywords that do not meet any of the above conditions.
For example: for this ASIN B0829N8C9G, dish soap dispenser for kitchen and dish soap dispenser keywords are high conversion keywords, and kitchen soap dispenser is General conversion keyword.
6. Keyword distribution: Compare the exposure position of competing products and see where they get traffic, such as organic or paid (HR, SB-Video, SP).
Impression position refers to the specific position where the ASIN got exposed under the particular search terms, and is divided into the following 8 types based on organic impression and paid impression:
★Organic traffic: Organic keywords, AC recommended keywords, ER recommended keywords, 4-star recommended keywords
☆Advertising traffic: HR recommended keywords, SP advertising keywords, video advertising keywords, brand ads keywords

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