A Seller's Guide to Amazon Sponsored Products vs Sponsored Brands


If you're an Amazon seller, figuring out how to get your products noticed can sometimes feel like trying to stand out in a crowded room. That's where Amazon's Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands come into play—but what's the difference, and which one should you use? This guide is here to break it all down for you.

Think of Sponsored Products as your go-to for driving sales of specific items, while Sponsored Brands are all about telling the story of your brand as a whole. We'll explore the perks and tips for both, so you can choose the right approach tailored to your goals.

Whether you're all about quick wins or playing the long game, understanding these advertising tools is essential. Let’s explore how you can use Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands to not just join the conversation, but to lead it, driving up your sales and establishing your place in the Amazon marketplace.

Ready to supercharge your Amazon ad strategy? Gain the edge with SellerSprite's Ads Insights, your secret weapon for optimizing ad performance and boosting ROI.

How Do You Advertise on Amazon?

Advertising on Amazon involves understanding the structure of its ad types, particularly Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns, and the important metrics that gauge their effectiveness. This knowledge helps you create effective strategies to boost product visibility and sales.

The Basics of PPC and Amazon's Ad Structure

Amazon operates on a PPC model, where you only pay when someone clicks on your ad. There are two primary ad types: Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands.

  • Sponsored Products allow you to advertise individual listings targeted to relevant audiences. These ads appear in search results and product detail pages.
  • Sponsored Brands feature your logo, a custom headline, and a selection of products, appearing at prominent positions like the top of the search results.

Understanding how bids work is essential. Amazon determines your ad placement based on your bid amount and the relevance of your ad to customer searches.

Key Advertising Metrics and Performance Indicators

To measure the effectiveness of your campaigns, monitor several key performance metrics:

  • Impressions: The total number of times your ad is displayed.
  • Clicks: The number of times your ad is clicked.
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate): Calculated by dividing clicks by impressions, this indicates the relevance of your ad.
  • Conversions: The number of purchases made after clicking your ad.
  • ACOS (Advertising Cost of Sales): The ratio of ad spend to sales revenue, helping you evaluate the profitability of your campaigns.

By focusing on these metrics, you can refine your advertising strategies and improve your return on investment.

What Are Sponsored Products on Amazon?

Sponsored Products are a key advertising solution provided by Amazon. They enhance product visibility on the platform and help improve sales by targeting specific audiences. Here’s a closer look at how these ads function and ways to optimize your campaigns effectively.

How Sponsored Products Function

Sponsored Product Ads allow you to promote individual listings on Amazon. These ads can appear in search results and on product detail pages, making them highly visible to potential customers.

You can utilize two targeting strategies: automatic targeting and manual targeting. With automatic targeting, Amazon identifies the relevant keywords and products for you. In contrast, manual targeting enables you to choose specific keywords that relate directly to your products.

The cost of running these ads is determined by your ad spend and bids. You set a bid amount for each click, which influences your ad's placement. The higher your bid, the more likely your ad will appear prominently.

Also ReadAmazon Sponsored Product Ads Insights Tool

Optimizing Sponsored Product Campaigns

To maximize the effectiveness of your Sponsored Product campaigns, focus on keyword optimization. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify terms that potential buyers use to search for your products. Implement both broad and exact match types to capture diverse search queries.

Another essential factor is monitoring your conversion rate. Assess which keywords and products yield optimal results. Adjust bids accordingly to ensure cost-effectiveness.

Utilize the reporting tools available in the Amazon Advertising console. These insights help you understand performance metrics and make data-driven adjustments. By continuously refining your approach, you can enhance ad visibility and ultimately drive more sales.

Related Read: The Ultimate Guide to Keyword Research for Amazon Sellers

What Are Sponsored Brands on Amazon?

Sponsored Brands are a unique advertising format that allows you to promote your products along with your brand on the Amazon platform. They are designed to enhance visibility and drive traffic to your product listings or Amazon storefront.

Benefits of Sponsored Brand Ads

Sponsored Brand ads provide several key advantages for advertisers. First, these ads allow you to prominently display your logo and a curated selection of products. This branding element helps create a recognizable presence within search results.

You can also customize the headline to highlight promotions or key features. This targeted approach can boost click-through rates, leading to improved conversion potential. Sponsored Brands appear at the top of search results, giving your products greater exposure compared to standard listings.

Another benefit is their ability to generate detailed performance insights through reporting tools. With Amazon Brand Registry, you receive enhanced protections and stronger reporting capabilities, further refining your advertising strategy.

Building Brand Awareness with Sponsored Brands

Building brand awareness is crucial for long-term success. Sponsored Brands are effective for this purpose because they offer a platform to showcase your brand narrative. You can include a brand logo, a customized headline, and product images, allowing you to present a cohesive brand message.

By leveraging various categories of products, you can target diverse consumer interests. This flexibility means you can appeal to specific demographics, enhancing engagement.

Additionally, using Sponsored Brand ads leads to higher visibility. The ads occupy prime real estate in search results, allowing potential customers to encounter your brand actively. This consistently positions your brand in the forefront of shopper minds, fostering improvements in brand recognition and loyalty over time.

Uncover the keywords your competitors are using and turn that knowledge into power. Check out SellerSprite's Keyword Reverse tool to strategically select keywords for your Sponsored Products and Brands.

Targeting and Budget Considerations

Effective advertising on Amazon requires a clear focus on targeting options and budget management. Understanding these aspects can significantly enhance your return on investment and drive traffic to your product listings.

Effective Targeting Options

Targeting plays a crucial role in maximizing the impact of your ads. Amazon offers various targeting strategies:

  • Keyword Targeting: Select specific keywords that potential customers use in their searches. This can help connect your ads with relevant products.
  • Product Targeting: Show ads on product detail pages similar to yours, allowing you to reach an audience already interested in related items.
  • Audience Targeting: Utilize Amazon's audience insights to tailor ads based on customer behavior and preferences.

Choosing the right targeting strategy can lead to increased visibility, enhancing the likelihood of generating sales.

Also Read7 Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Amazon Storefront

Managing Budgets and Bids for Maximum ROI

Budget management is essential for optimizing performance. Here are key points to consider:

  • Daily Budget: Set a specific amount you’re willing to spend each day. This helps control costs and ensures running ads without overspending.
  • Lifetime Budget: This option allows you to set a total budget for the campaign duration, providing flexibility in ad management.
  • Bid Amount: Adjust your bids based on competition and performance. A higher bid may secure better placements, but ensure it aligns with your ROI goals.

Regularly review statistics to assess performance, adjusting budget allocations and bids to improve results and maximize your revenue potential.

Best Practices for Amazon PPC Campaigns

To optimize your Amazon PPC campaigns, focus on creating compelling ad creatives and employing a strategic approach to keywords and negative targeting. These elements can significantly enhance your click-through rate (CTR) and help lower your advertising cost of sales (ACoS).

Crafting Compelling Ad Creatives

Your ad creatives should be clearconcise, and captivating. Start by using high-quality images that showcase your product effectively. Eye-catching visuals directly influence a shopper's first impression, encouraging them to click.

Next, craft ad copy that resonates with your target audience. Highlight your product’s key benefits and unique selling points. Use call-to-action phrases that prompt customers to take the next step. Testing various creatives can also yield insights. Make adjustments based on performance metrics to continuously improve your ads.

Consider including promotional offers or limited-time discounts to boost urgency. This strategy can lead to increased conversions and sales.

Strategic Use of Keywords and Negative Targeting

Keyword strategy is vital for your PPC success. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify high-traffic keywords relevant to your ASINs. Use these keywords in your campaigns to ensure your ads reach the intended audience.

Incorporate negative keywords to filter out unwanted traffic. This prevents your ads from appearing in irrelevant searches, saving your budget and improving CTR. Regularly update your negative keyword list based on data from past campaigns.

Pay attention to long-tail keywords as well; they typically have less competition and can lead to higher conversion rates. Balance broad and exact matching types for an effective keyword strategy.

Ensure your keywords are hitting the mark every time. Refine your Amazon listings with pinpoint accuracy using SellerSprite's Keyword Checker to stay ahead of the game.

Also Read: Static vs. Dynamic Keyword Mining: Choosing the Right Approach for Your Business


Understanding and utilizing Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands can significantly impact your Amazon advertising outcomes. Tailoring your approach to your specific sales and branding objectives allows for smarter ad spend and business growth.


Success on Amazon hinges on visibility. Whether you're zeroing in on sales with Sponsored Products or broadening brand recognition with Sponsored Brands, continual learning and adaptation are crucial.


To stay informed about market behavior and consumer interests, tap into SellerSprite's Google Trends Guide. Use this guide to make data-informed decisions that can elevate your advertising strategy and enhance your visibility on Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Amazon PPC and how does it work?

Amazon PPC is an advertising model where sellers pay a fee only when a shopper clicks on their ad. Sellers bid on keywords relevant to their products, and if their bid wins, their ad appears to customers in search results or on product pages.

High bids and ad relevance increase the chances of an ad being shown, enabling sellers to target potential buyers and boost exposure.

What is the difference between sponsored products and sponsored display on Amazon?

Sponsored Products on Amazon are keyword-targeted ads that appear in search results and on product pages to promote specific items, driving traffic to the product's Amazon listing.

Sponsored Display ads differ as they use auto-generated creatives to reach customers both on and off Amazon, targeting shoppers based on past shopping activities or interests, not just on specific keywords, to help increase brand awareness and product visibility across the web.

What is sponsored display in Amazon?

Sponsored Display is an ad service on Amazon that lets sellers place ads on Amazon's site as well as external sites and apps. It targets shoppers based on their interests and previous interactions with products, and sellers pay per click.

These ads aim to boost product visibility and attract potential buyers, even when they're not actively searching on Amazon.

What are Amazon sponsored products?

Amazon Sponsored Products are pay-per-click ads for individual product listings, appearing in search results and on product pages to increase visibility and drive sales on Amazon.

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