Choosing Your Amazon Ad: Sponsored Display vs. Sponsored Products


When selling on Amazon, picking between Sponsored Display and Sponsored Products ads can make a big impact on your results. Sponsored Display ads are the ones you see both on Amazon and out in the wider internet world—they're good for getting your brand seen by more people.

Meanwhile, Sponsored Products are all about helping customers find your specific products right when they're searching on Amazon, thanks to keywords you choose that match what shoppers are looking for.

So, what's best for your business? If you want to drive more people to individual products and snatch up those ready-to-buy customers, Sponsored Products is the way to go. But if you're more interested in getting your brand out there—like putting up a billboard on the digital highway—then Sponsored Display ads could be the better choice.

By thinking about what you want to achieve with your ads, you can pick the type that's going to work hardest for you on Amazon.

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Amazon Sponsored Display vs Sponsored Products

You can leverage both Amazon Sponsored Display and Sponsored Products to enhance your advertising strategy. Each ad type serves distinct purposes and offers unique features that cater to different goals.

Defining the Ad Types

Sponsored Products are ads that promote individual listings. They appear in search results and on product detail pages, effectively driving traffic directly to your products. These ads are designed primarily to increase visibility and sales of specific items.

Sponsored Display ads, on the other hand, focus on creating brand visibility on and off Amazon. They appear in various placements, including competitor product pages. This allows you to engage potential customers throughout their shopping journey, making it suitable for both brand awareness and retargeting efforts.

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Core Objectives of Sponsored Display and Sponsored Products

The primary objective of Sponsored Products is to boost sales conversions for specific items. By using keyword targeting, you can reach shoppers actively searching for similar products. This targeted approach often translates to higher returns on ad spend.

Conversely, Sponsored Display aims to build brand awareness and engage potential buyers. Utilizing audience targeting, these ads can be shown to customers based on their shopping behavior, even if they are not currently on Amazon. This broadens your reach and re-engages users who have already shown interest in your products.

How the Ad Systems Work on Amazon

Sponsored Products utilize a straightforward pay-per-click (PPC) model. You choose relevant keywords, bid on them, and when someone clicks on your ad, you pay the bid amount. This system provides clarity on performance, allowing you to easily track your advertising spend.

In contrast, Sponsored Display employs both CPC and CPM (cost per thousand impressions) models. You can target audiences based on their interests or behaviors. This flexibility can be advantageous for brand promotion or retargeting campaigns.

Targeting and Placement Strategies

Effective targeting and placement strategies help maximize ad performance on Amazon. Understanding how to reach the right audience and the various options for product targeting can significantly impact visibility and awareness.

Audience Targeting: Reaching the Right Shoppers

Audience targeting allows you to focus on specific shopper behaviors and interests. You can segment your audience based on their activity, such as previous purchases or browsing history.

Types of audience targeting include:

  • In-market audiences: Shoppers actively searching for products similar to yours.
  • Lookalike audiences: Targeting new customers who share characteristics with your existing customers.

By leveraging these strategies, you can enhance the relevance of your ads. This leads to better engagement and increases the likelihood of conversions.

Product Targeting: Placing Ads Where It Matters

Product targeting allows you to display your ads on the detail pages of similar or complementary products. This strategy is effective for capturing potentially interested shoppers right where they are considering a purchase.

You can target specific products or categories. For instance, if you sell accessories, you can position your ads on the detail pages of related items. This increases your product's visibility among an interested audience.

Additionally, you can use negative targeting to exclude irrelevant products, improving ad relevance and efficiency.

Placement Precision: Detail Pages vs. Search Results

Placement plays a crucial role in ad success. Sponsored Products can appear on both search results and product detail pages, while Sponsored Display ads primarily occupy product detail pages.

  • Search Results: Placing ads in search results captures shoppers actively looking for specific items. This can drive higher click-through rates as shoppers are already engaged in buying behavior.
  • Detail Pages: Ads on detail pages benefit from the context of related products. Shoppers here are more likely to consider alternatives and make decisions based on their immediate interests.

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Campaign Management and Control

Effective campaign management is crucial for maximizing the performance of your Sponsored Display and Sponsored Products ads. Focus on setting up your campaigns for success, implementing strategic bid and budget controls, and analyzing performance for continual improvement.

Setting Up Campaigns for Success

Begin by defining clear campaign goals. Whether you aim to increase sales, improve brand visibility, or drive traffic, having specific objectives helps shape your strategy.

Choose a descriptive campaign name that reflects its goal. This simplifies tracking performance later.

Set your daily budget early on. This ensures your ad spend aligns with your overall marketing budget.

When determining keywords for targeting, focus on relevant terms that align with your products. This drives traffic from interested consumers.

Additionally, utilizing appropriate audience segments can dramatically enhance your targeting effectiveness.

Also Read: How Many Keywords Do You Need in an Amazon PPC Campaign?

Bid Strategies and Budget Control

Selecting the right bid strategy is essential. You can go for manual bidding, where you control individual bids based on keywords, or automatic bidding, allowing Amazon to set bids based on performance.

Evaluate your budget control options. In Sponsored Products, you set a daily budget, while in Sponsored Display, you may use a campaign-level budget.

Prioritize your campaigns based on performance goals. For high-performing products, consider increasing bids to capture more visibility. Conversely, monitor underperforming campaigns and adjust accordingly.

Maintaining control over your ad spend is critical. Regular checks on your ad budgets will help prevent overspending.

Related ReadHow to Adjust Bids By Placement of Amazon Ads

Performance Analytics and Adjustments

Analyzing campaign performance is essential in refining your approach. Utilize Amazon's built-in analytics tools to assess metrics such as clicks, impressions, and conversion rates.

Regularly evaluate which keywords and audience segments drive the most sales. This data will guide adjustments to your campaigns.

If a campaign is underperforming, consider revising your bids or reallocating your budget. A/B testing different ad copies or images can also yield valuable insights.

Set a schedule for performance reviews, ideally weekly or bi-weekly. This allows you to stay proactive in optimizing your campaigns for better results.

Creative Elements and Ad Visibility

Effective ad creatives play a crucial role in enhancing visibility and engagement for both Sponsored Display and Sponsored Products. By focusing on compelling elements, you can create ads that stand out and resonate with your target audience.

Crafting Compelling Ad Creatives

When developing ad creatives, you should consider the specific elements that make your product listings appealing. Start with a clear, concise headline that captures attention. Ensure your images are high-quality and showcase the product effectively, as this can significantly impact click-through rates.

Incorporating your brand logo is essential for building brand recognition. The logo should be visible but not overpowering, allowing the product to remain the focal point. Utilize straightforward calls-to-action (CTAs) that prompt users to take the next step, whether that's viewing a product page or making a purchase.

Experimenting with different ad types can also yield insights into what resonates best with your audience. Testing various formats, such as banners or product display ads, can help you refine your strategy based on performance data.

Also ReadAmazon Sponsored Product Ads Insights Tool

The Role of Visuals and Branding in Display Ads

Visuals are a critical component of Sponsored Display ads, as they must attract attention while conveying your brand message. A well-designed layout that includes a combination of engaging images and thoughtful text can enhance the overall impact.

Your visuals should align with your branding. Consistency in color schemes, typography, and messaging builds a cohesive identity across campaigns. This familiarity can increase trust and engagement among users.

Consider the placement of visual elements. For instance, ensure that your brand logo and product images are positioned prominently, as this will enhance visibility on product pages. Incorporating user-generated content or lifestyle images can also boost credibility, making your ads more relatable.

Maximizing ROI with Strategic Insights

To boost your return on investment (ROI) in Amazon advertising, understanding data and implementing best practices for budget allocation are crucial. Effective strategies can enhance brand visibility, increase conversions, and refine your overall performance.

Leveraging Data for Better Results

Using data effectively is essential for maximizing your ROI. Regularly analyze performance metrics through the Amazon Campaign Manager. Pay attention to key indicators such as click-through rates (CTR), conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

  • Identify High-Performing Keywords: Focus on which keywords drive traffic and conversions.
  • Remarketing Opportunities: Utilize remarketing ads to target users who visited your product pages but did not purchase.

Implement A/B testing for different ad creatives and placements. This helps you refine your approach, focusing on ads that yield the best results. Keeping track of these metrics allows you to make data-driven decisions that enhance your overall strategy.

Also Read: Uncover Your Competitors' Amazon PPC Keywords: A Comprehensive Guide

Best Practices for Budget Allocation and ROI

Strategic budget allocation can significantly impact your ROI. Start with clearly defined goals for each campaign. Allocate your budget based on previous performance data, directing funds towards ads with higher conversion rates.

  • Dynamic Budgeting: Adjust your spend in real-time based on performance, especially for Sponsored Display ads that show improved returns.
  • Set Daily and Lifetime Budgets: This ensures your campaigns run efficiently without overspending.

Consider dividing your budget based on product visibility and brand awareness goals. A focus on visibility can enhance long-term ROI, while targeted campaigns for specific product launches can drive immediate revenue. Analyzing where your revenue comes from will inform your future investments, optimizing your advertising efforts for sustained success.

Optimize your Amazon ads by comparing keywords effectively using SellerSprite's Keyword Comparison. Elevate your ad strategy today.


Choosing between Sponsored Display and Sponsored Products sets the direction for your advertising success on Amazon. Tailor your campaigns to either target precise shopper searches or expand your brand’s reach across platforms. The ad type you select is instrumental in connecting with your audience and achieving your commercial goals.


To truly refine your approach and ensure that your products stand out, it's crucial to understand the keywords that resonate with your target customers. With SellerSprite's Keyword Research tool, you can dive into a wealth of data, uncovering high-traffic keywords that can lead to higher ad visibility and more effective customer targeting.


This tool not only helps you identify what your potential buyers are searching for but also enables you to measure the competitiveness of these keywords, giving you the insights to craft more impactful ad campaigns and drive sales.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between sponsored products and sponsored display on Amazon?

Sponsored Products ads primarily promote individual products. They appear within search results and product detail pages. In contrast, Sponsored Display ads can target users both on and off Amazon. They focus on broader audience engagement based on browsing behavior and interests.

What does Amazon sponsored products mean?

Amazon Sponsored Products are pay-per-click (PPC) ads designed to help sellers increase product visibility. When customers click on these ads, sellers pay a fee based on their bid amount. These ads aim to drive traffic directly to specific product listings.

What is the minimum bid for sponsored display on Amazon?

The minimum advertising budget for Sponsored Display ads is set at $1. This allows sellers with varying budgets to participate in ads, providing flexibility while managing costs.

How does Amazon charge for a sponsored display ad?

Amazon primarily charges for Sponsored Display ads on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis. Advertisers can also use a cost-per-1,000 viewable impressions (vCPM) model. The model depends on their campaign goals and bidding strategies.

Where do sponsored display video ads appear on Amazon?

Sponsored Display video ads are shown on product detail pages and various locations across Amazon's platform. This includes placements on Amazon's home page, related product recommendations, and even off-Amazon websites to reach a broader audience.

Is sponsored display worth it?

Sponsored Display can be a valuable tool for driving brand awareness and increasing sales. Many advertisers find success in using Sponsored Display ads to engage potential customers and enhance their overall advertising strategy. The effectiveness often depends on specific campaign goals and audience targeting.

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