How To Sell Books on Amazon: The Complete Guide


Books neatly arranged on a shelf with Amazon logo in the background, a laptop open to the Amazon seller dashboard, and a package ready for shipping

Knowing how to sell books on Amazon can be your ticket to making extra money or even starting a new business.

Amazon's massive audience and simple platform make it an excellent spot for selling books online.

We'll guide you through everything you need to know to succeed in selling books on Amazon in 2024, from setting up your account and listing your books, to finding more books to sell, setting the right prices, and shipping your orders.

Plus, you'll get expert advice on how to make your book listings stand out and sell more.

Read on to get started and learn the ropes of Amazon selling.

Step By Step Guide on How To Sell Books on Amazon

A stack of books arranged neatly on a table with a laptop open to the Amazon website, showing the seller dashboard and book listings

Selling books on Amazon is a great way to reach a wider audience and increase your sales. Here are the steps to get started:

Register Your Account

To sell on Amazon, you need to create a seller account.

You can do this by going to the Amazon Seller Central homepage and clicking on the "Register Now" button. From there, you can choose between an individual or professional selling plan.

The individual plan is best if you plan on selling fewer than 40 items per month, while the professional plan is better for high-volume sellers.

Create Your Book Listings

Once you have registered your account, you can start creating your book listings.

To do this, you will need to provide information about your book, such as the title, author, and ISBN. You can also include a description of the book, as well as any images you have.

It is important to make your listings as detailed and accurate as possible, as this will help potential buyers find your books.

Monitor Your Sales And Make Adjustments

After your listings are live, you can start monitoring your sales and making adjustments as needed.

You can track your sales using the Amazon Seller Central dashboard, which will show you how many books you have sold and how much money you have made.

If you notice that your sales are slow, you may want to consider adjusting your prices or updating your book descriptions to make them more appealing to buyers.

Where Can You Find Books To Sell On Amazon?

A stack of books sits on a wooden table, with a laptop open to the Amazon website. A barcode scanner and packaging materials are nearby

If you're looking to start selling books on Amazon, the first thing you'll need is inventory. Here are a few places to find books that you can sell on Amazon:

Sell Your Own Books

The easiest way to get started is to sell books that you already own. Look around your house and see if you have any books that you no longer need or want.

These can be textbooks, fiction, non-fiction, or any other type of book. Selling your own books is a great way to get started, and it won't cost you anything upfront.

Book/Library Sales

Book sales and library sales are a great way to find books to sell on Amazon. These sales are often held by libraries, schools, or other organizations, and they offer a wide variety of books at low prices.

You can often find rare or out-of-print books at these sales, which can be sold for a higher price on Amazon.

Online Arbitrage

Online arbitrage involves buying books from other online retailers and reselling them on Amazon at a higher price.

This can be a great way to find books that are in high demand but hard to find. You can use SellerSprite’s Keepa Alternative Tool to track the prices of books on Amazon and other online retailers.

Bulk Purchase/Wholesale

Buying books in bulk or wholesale can be a great way to save money and increase your profit margins.

You can find wholesalers online or at book fairs and conferences. Be sure to do your research and compare prices to make sure you're getting a good deal.

Estate/Closing Sales

Estate and closing sales are another great place to find books to sell on Amazon. These sales are often held when someone passes away or when a business is closing down.

You can often find books at these sales for a fraction of their retail price.

Free Books

Believe it or not, there are many places where you can get books for free.

You can check out your local library, thrift stores, or even ask friends and family if they have any books they no longer want. While these books may not be worth a lot individually, they can add up over time.

What Kind Of Books Sell Best On Amazon?

A stack of best-selling books on a table with a laptop open to Amazon's seller platform, surrounded by shipping supplies and a payment receipt

If you're planning to sell books on Amazon, it's essential to know what kind of books sell best on the platform. Here are some of the most profitable book categories to consider:


Textbooks are one of the most profitable categories to sell on Amazon. Students are always in need of textbooks for their classes, and they're willing to pay top dollar for them.

Look for textbooks that are in high demand and have a low supply.

Computer Books

Computer books are another profitable category to sell on Amazon. As technology continues to advance, there's always a demand for books that teach people how to use new software and hardware.

Look for computer books that are up-to-date and cover popular topics like coding, web development, and cybersecurity.

Niche Topics

Niche topics such as old comic books, rare topics, and non-fiction books can also be profitable on Amazon.

Look for books that cater to a specific audience and have a high demand. For example, if you're interested in cooking, look for rare cookbooks that are out of print.


Bestselling books are always in demand on Amazon. Keep an eye on the New York Times Bestsellers list and look for books that are trending on social media.

These books are usually in high demand and can be sold at a premium price.

Children's Books

Children's books are a popular category on Amazon. Parents are always looking for books to entertain and educate their children.

Look for books that are age-appropriate and cover popular topics like animals, nature, and science.

How To Sell Textbooks On Amazon

A stack of textbooks arranged neatly on a desk, with a laptop open to the Amazon website and a barcode scanner nearby

If you have textbooks lying around your house and are looking to make some extra cash, selling them on Amazon is a great way to do so. Here are some steps to follow to sell your textbooks on Amazon:

  1. Create an Amazon seller account: First, you need to create an Amazon seller account. Head over to the "Sell on Amazon" page and click "sign up." You will have to decide whether you want to be an "individual seller" or a "professional seller." If you plan on selling more than 40 items per month, it's best to go for the professional seller account.

  2. List your textbooks: Once you have set up your account, you can list your textbooks for sale. If your book is already listed on Amazon, simply choose the book's condition, whether new, used, or collectible. Then select "Sell this Product" from the drop-down menu.

    Next, attach a unique identifier (SKU) to your book (a code of preference). The platform will generate a code for you if you fail to provide one.

  3. Set your price: As a third-party seller on Amazon, you can set your prices for the best profit without getting permission from authors or publishers. Be sure to research the current price of the book and set your price accordingly.

  4. Shipping and handling: When a customer purchases your book, Amazon will notify you. You will need to ship the book to the customer within two business days.

    Amazon provides a shipping credit to help cover the cost of shipping.

  5. Get paid: Once the customer receives the book, Amazon will deposit the payment into your account. You can then transfer the funds to your bank account.

What Types Of Books Don’t Sell Well On Amazon?

A stack of unsold books sits on a dusty shelf, their covers featuring niche topics and outdated information. The Amazon logo is faintly visible on the corner of each book

When it comes to selling books on Amazon, there are certain types of books that don't sell well. Here are some of the types of books that you may want to avoid selling on Amazon:

  • Outdated or obsolete books
  • Books with poor reviews
  • Books with limited appeal or niche topics
  • Books that are not in good condition
  • Books with high competition

Outdated or obsolete books are unlikely to sell well on Amazon, as readers are often looking for the latest information and trends.

Similarly, books with poor reviews may not attract buyers, as customers are likely to be put off by negative feedback.

Books with limited appeal or niche topics may also struggle to sell on Amazon, as there may be a smaller audience interested in these types of books.

Additionally, books that are not in good condition, such as those with ripped pages or stains, may not be appealing to buyers.

Lastly, books with high competition may be difficult to sell on Amazon, as there may be many other sellers offering the same or similar books. This can make it challenging to stand out and attract buyers.

How Much Does It Cost To Sell Books On Amazon?

A stack of books on a table with a laptop open to Amazon's seller page, surrounded by packaging materials and a shipping label

Selling books on Amazon can be a profitable venture, but it's important to understand the costs involved before getting started. Here are the main costs to consider:

Individual Fee Or Subscription Fee

Amazon offers two selling plans: Individual and Professional.

The Individual plan has no monthly fee and charges $0.99 per item sold, while the Professional plan costs $39.99 per month and has no per-item fee.

If you plan to sell fewer than 40 items per month, the Individual plan may be the better option. If you plan to sell more than 40 items per month, the Professional plan may be more cost-effective.

Referral Fee

Amazon charges a referral fee based on the book's category, ranging from 6% to 45% of the item price.

The referral fee is deducted from the total sale price, including any shipping costs. The fee varies depending on the category of the book, with media items like books and DVDs having a lower referral fee than other categories.

Closing Fee

Amazon charges a closing fee of $1.80 per item for media items like books and DVDs.

This fee is charged in addition to the referral fee and is deducted from the total sale price.

Shipping Costs

Amazon offers several shipping options for sellers, including Amazon's fulfillment service, which handles storage, packing, and shipping for a fee.

If you choose to fulfill orders yourself, you'll need to factor in the cost of shipping materials and postage.

Is Selling Books On Amazon Worth It?

A pile of books arranged neatly on a table, with a laptop open to the Amazon website showing the book selling interface

If you're considering selling books on Amazon, you might be wondering if it's worth the effort. The short answer is yes, selling books on Amazon can be worth it. Here are some reasons why:

  • Access to a wide audience: With millions of customers actively browsing Amazon daily, there's a higher probability that potential readers will stumble upon your book. This means you have a greater chance of reaching a wider audience than you would if you were selling your books through other channels.

  • Low start-up costs: Selling books on Amazon doesn't require a lot of upfront investment. You can start by selling books you already own or purchasing used books at a low cost to resell on Amazon.

  • Easy to use platform: Amazon provides a user-friendly platform for sellers to list their products and manage their inventory. With a few clicks, you can create a listing, set your price, and start selling.

  • Competitive fees: Amazon charges a referral fee and a closing fee for each item sold, but the fees are competitive with other online marketplaces. Additionally, Amazon offers a variety of fulfillment options, including FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon), which can help you save time and money on shipping and handling.


However, it's important to keep in mind that selling books on Amazon is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It takes time and effort to build a successful business.

Selling New Vs. Used Books On Amazon

A table displaying new and used books with Amazon logos. Prices are labeled clearly for each book. A laptop with the Amazon website open is nearby

When it comes to selling books on Amazon, you have the option to sell new or used books. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.

New Books

Selling new books on Amazon can be a profitable business, especially if you can get them at a wholesale price. However, there is a lot of competition in the new book market, and you may have to price your books competitively to make a sale.

It's important to note that Amazon charges a referral fee for each sale, which can eat into your profits.

To sell new books on Amazon, you will need to create a listing for each book. Make sure to include a clear and detailed description of the book, including the title, author, publisher, and edition.

You should also include high-quality images of the book cover and any other relevant images.

Used Books

Selling used books on Amazon can be a great way to make money, especially if you have a lot of books to sell. Used books are often cheaper than new ones, which can make them more attractive to buyers.

However, you will need to make sure that the books are in good condition, as buyers may leave negative feedback if they receive a book that is in poor condition.

To sell used books on Amazon, you will need to create a listing for each book. Make sure to include a clear and detailed description of the book, including the title, author, publisher, and edition.

You should also include high-quality images of the book cover and any other relevant images. It's important to note that Amazon charges a referral fee for each sale, which can eat into your profits.


Selling books on Amazon can be a profitable business if done correctly.

By following the tips and secrets mentioned above, you can increase your chances of success.

To further boost your business, you can use tools like SellerSprite, which provides Keyword ResearchProduct Research, and Competitor Lookup tools.

Sign up for SellerSprite today, choose your plan, get access to all their tools and take your Amazon business to the next level.

Frequently Asked Questions

A computer screen with a webpage open to Amazon's book-selling platform, with a list of frequently asked questions displayed

Can you sell books on Amazon for free, or is there a fee involved?

There is a fee involved in selling books on Amazon.

Amazon charges a referral fee for each item sold, which varies based on the category of the item. Additionally, there is a monthly subscription fee for professional sellers.

What is the process for selling used books on Amazon?

The process for selling used books on Amazon is the same as selling new books.

However, it's important to accurately describe the condition of the book in the listing. Amazon also has specific guidelines for acceptable condition levels.

How profitable is it to sell books on Amazon?

The profitability of selling books on Amazon depends on various factors such as the type of book, its condition, and the competition.

However, many sellers have found success in selling books on Amazon, especially if they specialize in a particular niche.

What are the best practices for selling ebooks on Amazon?

To sell ebooks on Amazon, it's important to have an eye-catching cover and an engaging description.

You'll also need to set a competitive price and promote your ebook through social media and other channels.

Additionally, offering a free sample or a limited-time discount can help increase sales.

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