How To Find Items Sold and Shipped By Amazon


As an Amazon seller, you might know that some items come straight from Amazon – they sell and ship these products, offering quick shipping and good customer service.

Some products are sold by third-party sellers and fulfilled by Amazon, meaning that Amazon handles the shipping and customer service but the actual seller is a separate entity.

Customers often look for these because they trust Amazon's service. But your products, even when shipped by Amazon, need to stand out with your own brand's touch.

Make sure you show who you are in your listings and be clear about what you offer. This clarity helps customers trust and choose your products

Want tips on selling better on Amazon? Read on!

What Is Sold By Amazon (SBA)?

Products that are labeled as "Sold by Amazon" are part of Amazon's SBA program.

This program allows manufacturers and sellers to list their products on Amazon's website, but Amazon handles the shipping and customer service.

When a product is sold by Amazon, it means that Amazon is the seller and will handle the shipping. This can be beneficial for both sellers and customers.

For sellers, it means that Amazon will take care of the shipping and customer service, freeing up time to focus on other aspects of their business.

For customers, it means that they can trust that their order will be fulfilled by Amazon and that they can rely on Amazon's customer service if they have any issues with their order.

Various products neatly arranged on shelves with Amazon's logo prominently displayed. Packages ready for shipping with the Amazon logo and address labels

To find SBA products on Amazon, you can use the search function and look for the "Sold by Amazon" label and the Prime logo.

You can also filter your search results to only show items sold and shipped by Amazon by clicking on the "Amazon" filter in the "Seller" or "Fulfillment" section on the left-hand side of the page.

How To Find Items Sold And Shipped By Amazon

A stack of Amazon-branded boxes, neatly arranged on a conveyor belt, with the Amazon logo prominently displayed on each box

If you're looking for items sold and shipped by Amazon, there are several ways to do so. In this section, we'll explore some of the most effective methods to find these items.

Sidebar Filter On

One of the easiest ways to find items sold and shipped by Amazon is by using the sidebar filter on

When you're on the search results page, look for the "Seller" section on the left-hand side of the page. Click on "" to filter the results and only show items sold and shipped by Amazon.

SellerSprite Tools

Another way to find items sold and shipped by Amazon is by using the Seller Sprite’s Seller Tools.

For instance, their Product Research Tool, you analyze products in your category to understand what's performing well, including price points, customer demand, and sales trends.

Another is their Competitor Lookup tool, which helps Amazon sellers analyze their competition.

Manually Finding Items Sold By Amazon

If you prefer to manually search for items sold by Amazon, you can do so by looking for the "Sold by" label on the product page. This label indicates that the item is sold and shipped by Amazon.

Using URL Modification

You can also use URL modification to find items sold and shipped by Amazon.

Simply add "&emi=ATVPDKIKX0DER" to the end of the search URL. This will filter the search results to only show items sold and shipped by Amazon.

Using Keepa

Finally, you can use Keepa to find items sold and shipped by Amazon.

Keepa is a Chrome extension that provides price history charts, product alerts, and more.

When you're on the search results page, look for the "Amazon" label next to the price. This indicates that the item is sold and shipped by Amazon.

Difference Between Sold By Amazon (SBA) And Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA)

A warehouse with SBA items stacked in one area and FBA items in another, with Amazon workers sorting and packing orders for shipment

When it comes to selling on Amazon, there are two main ways to get your products to customers: Sold By Amazon (SBA) and Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA). While both options have their benefits, there are some key differences between the two that you should consider before making a decision.

Sold By Amazon (SBA)

When you see the "Sold By Amazon" logo on a product listing, it means that Amazon owns the inventory and is responsible for shipping the product to the customer.

This option is generally best for larger brands that have a large inventory and want to take advantage of Amazon's massive customer base.

One key advantage of SBA is that Amazon takes care of all the shipping and handling, so you don't have to worry about anything once the product is in Amazon's warehouse.

Additionally, SBA products are eligible for free shipping, which can help attract more customers.

Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA)

With Fulfilled By Amazon, you are responsible for shipping your products to Amazon's warehouses, but Amazon takes care of the rest.

When a customer orders one of your products, Amazon handles the shipping and handling, as well as any returns or customer service issues.

One of the main advantages of FBA is that you have more control over the pricing of your products, as you set the price yourself.

Additionally, FBA products are also eligible for free shipping, which can help attract more customers.

Pros And Cons Of Sold By Amazon

Items arranged on a scale, with "Pros" on one side and "Cons" on the other. A large Amazon logo in the background, with packages being shipped

If you are considering selling on Amazon, you may be wondering about the benefits and drawbacks of using the "Sold by Amazon" program. Here are some pros and cons to consider:

Amazon SBA Pros

  • Taxes: Amazon will handle sales taxes for any SBA sale and issue a tax-exempt certificate.
  • No cost: There is no fee to join the program.
  • Buyer confidence: Customers trust the authenticity of products more when they are listed as Shipped and Sold by Amazon, due to the company's stringent quality control measures.
  • Free shipping: Amazon Prime members receive free two-day shipping on all SBA items.
  • Buy Box: Items sold and shipped by Amazon are more likely to win the Buy Box, which can increase sales and visibility for your products.

Amazon SBA Cons

  • Fees: Amazon charges a referral fee for each item sold, which varies depending on the category of the product.
  • Competition: The popularity of the SBA program means that there is more competition for the Buy Box, which can drive down prices and reduce profit margins.
  • Limited control: When you use the SBA program, Amazon handles all aspects of the sale, including shipping and customer service. This means that you have limited control over the customer experience.

How To Apply To Sold By Amazon

A laptop displaying the Sold By Amazon page, with a cursor clicking on the "Apply Now" button. A package with the Amazon logo sits nearby

If you want to sell your products on Amazon and have them shipped by Amazon, you can apply to the Sold by Amazon (SBA) program. Here's how you can apply:

1. Enroll in Amazon Brand Registry: Before you can apply to the SBA program, you must first enroll in Amazon Brand Registry.

This program helps you protect your brand by giving you more control over your product listings and providing you with tools to search for and report violations.

2. List your products as Sold by Amazon: Once you're enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, you can list your products as Sold by Amazon.

This means that Amazon will handle the shipping and customer service for your products.

3. Apply for the SBA program: To apply to the SBA program, go to the Amazon Seller Central website and click on the "Inventory" tab.

From there, click on "Add a Product" and select the product you want to sell. On the product detail page, click on the "Offer" tab and select "Sold by Amazon" from the drop-down menu.

Then, click on the "Apply to SBA" button and follow the on-screen instructions to complete your application.

4. Wait for approval: Once you've submitted your application, Amazon will review it and let you know if you've been approved for the SBA program.

If you're approved, your products will be listed as Sold by Amazon and you can start selling on Amazon with the benefits of the program.

Wrap Up

Amazon packages stacked neatly, ready for shipment

Applying to the Sold by Amazon program can be a great way to increase your sales on Amazon and have your products shipped by Amazon.

By enrolling in Amazon Brand Registry and following the steps to apply to the program, you can take advantage of the benefits of the program.

If you're looking for relevant tools to help you with your Amazon selling, check out SellerSprite. They offer a wide range of tools and services designed to help you optimize your listings, track your competitors, and grow your business on Amazon.

Frequently Asked Questions

A stack of FAQ items with Amazon logo, surrounded by shipping boxes

How do I filter for products that are both sold and shipped by Amazon?

To filter for products that are both sold and shipped by Amazon, simply look for the "sold by" label on the product page.

You can also use the "Prime" filter to show only products that are eligible for Prime shipping, which are typically sold and shipped by Amazon.

What are the benefits of buying items sold and shipped directly by Amazon?

Buying items sold and shipped directly by Amazon comes with several benefits. These include faster and more reliable shipping, a wider selection of products, and better customer service. Additionally, Amazon guarantees the authenticity of all items sold and shipped by them.

Is there a way to identify items sold by Amazon but supplied by other companies?

Yes, you can identify items sold by Amazon but supplied by other companies by looking for the "Ships from and sold by" label on the product page. This indicates that Amazon is handling the shipping and customer service, but the product is supplied by a third-party seller.

How does the 'sold by Amazon only' option differ from third-party sellers on the Amazon platform?

The "sold by Amazon only" option shows only products that are sold and shipped directly by Amazon. Meanwhile, third-party sellers on the Amazon platform are independent sellers who use Amazon as a marketplace to sell their products. Products sold by Amazon directly come with additional benefits such as faster shipping and better customer service.

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